Thursday, June 6, 2019

American football positions Essay Example for Free

American football positions EssayPlay design is two troop 1. To notice to the outside and take advantage of our TBs speed. 2. To create vertical seams so that we can take advantage of over pursuing defenders Oline Frontside- pee-pee Overtake Rules O-line Backside- Cut backside Defensive tackle Playside receiversGOTTA MAN UP AND GET PHYSICAL HERE QBOpen at 4 or 8 oclock and find the running back. Once you have handed off the ball Boot away from the play (Right) and carry out your Winter. fare on your horse to handoff the ball. TB is NOT waiting for you. LTStretch Rules LGStretch Rules CStretch Rules RGStretch Rules RTStretch Rules WPearl Route XWheel route YMan block.ZMan block FbMotion up to the line and block the Sam linebacker. If he is inside the boxwood then go get him. TBLine up 7-8 yards from the line of scrimmage (in Pistol) or 2 yards behind the QB and directly behind the guard (in Gun). ONCE THE QB HAS THE BALL hold up and aim 5 yards outside the play side tackle. Your rent is the last man on the line. If the Tackle has him sealed then stay on your track to the outside, if we dont have the edge cut it upfield RIGHT AWAY Coaching Points JESUS=CROSS Play designed to get our X receiver lost in coverage. Play also allows for us to take a shot if we have a coverage mismatch on the outside.QBAlthough this is our 30 series so its a quick 5 step drop. In any man coverage we are looking for the X receiver as he clears the tackle. In cover three (Cut and Hold) we are looking for the Y receiver who is hooking up in the z unmatchable. LTSlide professional person LGSlide Pro CSlide Pro RGSlide Pro RTSlide Pro WGo route. shit inside position and get upfield. Get on your horse as you are an option on this play. XDrag at 4 yards. If there is a linebacker in your track go underneath him. Make sure that you are going underneath both the FB and Y receiver. You should almost clangor by them as you pass them.YRun a drag at 5 yards and once you get on top of th e tackle, move around it into a hook. (you are setting the last pick for the X receiver coming across the formation) Dont make the pick look deliberate, just turn and look for the ball forcing the defender to go around you. ZGo route. Get outside position and get upfield. Get on your horse as you are either getting the ball deep, or clearing out that area for the X receiver. FbMotion into the line and run a drag at 5 yards. You should look to brush by the X receiver as you pass by ONTOP of him. RbEarly Motion. Set up behind inside leg of tackle, and cover up that gap.If no one comes release to the flats. Coaching Points (H)awaii-Hooks QBs know where you are going with the ball pre snap, and throw the ball on time on your third step QBPresnap read FS for cover zero, and Man or Zone off motion. Cover 1 we are looking backside (W) . Cover zero we are looking to Go route (X). Cover 3 Hold and Cut we are looking for the Y receiver. If there is a blitz or interior pressure from a blitz we are checking down to FB. LTSlide Pro LGSlide Pro CSlide Pro RGSlide Pro RTSlide Pro WHook breaking 7 yards back to 5. Get inside position on your DB and attack the ball when its in the air.XGo route. In cover zero look for the ball as soon as you have cleared your defender. Get inside position on your defender ASAP. YGet inside position on your defender and Hook at 10 yards, work back to 7 yards. severalize and come back to the QbDont wait for the ball to come to you, go get the ball ZGet inside position on your defender and Hook at 7 yards, work back to 5 yards. Break and come back to the Qb Dont wait for the ball to come to you, go get the ball FbDrag at 3-5 yards. RbEarly Motion. Set up behind between backside tackle and guard. You are responsible for anything that comes through this gap.

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